Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Kätkäläinen (1980)
Happened in Kätkävaara
28 April 2010 | by Petri Pelkonen ( (Finland) – See all my reviews
Pietu Aholainen is a smallholder living with his wife Iitamaria in a small village called Kätkävaara.From the skies arrives a poisoner and the villagers are against him.There's also a danger Pietu gets loads of money, since he has just bought a piece of land from his neighbor Hurskainen.There on Ryppysuo lies lots of Cloudberries that would make him rich.Kätkäläinen (1980) is a TV movie directed by Markku Onttonen.It's based on the novel of Simo Hämäläinen.I can't picture anybody else than Martti Kainulainen to play the character Kätkäläinen.He really looks like him.Martti won a Jussi award from his performance.Maija-Liisa Majanlahti is terrific as his wife.Maritta Viitamäki does great work as their daughter Kaisa.Mikko Nousiainen is fantastic as Aimo Hurskainen.Same thing with Raili Tiensuu, who plays his wife Alma.And so is Virve Kauste as their daughter Leena.Martti Räsänen is very good as Kolehmainen.Mauri Nevonmaa is great as Lentäjä.Veikko Tiitinen is great as Kolehmainen.Veikko Manninen is very fine as Kauppias.The movie has lots of stuff to make you laugh.It makes you laugh when he is at an inspection with his old wreck car.It's hilarious when he makes an arithmetical operation on a road and he miscalculates it and gets three millions.He tries to figure out how much he would get from the berries.Or when he is in his forest picking Cloudberries and he uses bombs to keep other people away.I saw the movie recently on DVD with my family.I have seen it before, but it was way back in the 90's.It's always fun to watch this movie.You never get bored with Kätkäläinen.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Amanita muscaria Preparation for Beginners
Amanita muscaria Preparation for Beginners
by Clark Heinrich
v1.0 - Nov 23, 2008
Citation: Heinrich C. "Amanita muscaria Preparation for Beginners". Nov 23 2008;
While some Amanitae will kill you, muscaria will not. You may "die," however, and then come back to life -- Lazarus comes to mind. The way to avoid this is to use only mature, dried specimens and proceed very slowly with consumption. You should have a sitter at least for the first time, as some people (mainly those who eat too much too quickly) enter a sort of netherworld in which they act out. This can be dangerous, as any dissociative experience can be. I have heard a couple stories of people eating a bunch of muscaria and running willy-nilly through the forest with total disregard for their safety (they can also give you amazing strength and endurance for the nonce). Or you may pass out, sometimes over and over again (this has happened to me), and appear to the non-initiated to be in serious medical trouble and near death (or dead)--hence your sitter should be aware of these possibilities, and being strong physically might not hurt either.
That said, it doesn't have to be like that. You might try simmering a few mature dried caps in water for a half hour and then drinking the tea slowly over a period of a couple of hours. When you go slow the mushroom has a way of letting you know when you've had enough or should have more. Another method is to tear off little pieces of dried cap and roll them into little pills; swallow these without chewing, with as little water as possible to get them down (too much water while eating can make some people nauseous, just as chewing can--the "pills" bypass the mouth's release of chewing enzymes). Again, go slowly, eating no more than one cap an hour. Be aware that the full effects sometimes take more than an hour to come on; people have gotten in trouble not knowing this.
One big problem with fly agaric is the inability to know how potent a specimen is, which is one more reason to proceed slowly. There are indicators, though, when one has become familiar with harvesting the mushroom: if the mushroom has dried standing, and/or has lots of veil remnants on the cap, and/or has a thick fuzz of spores on the mostly dried gill side--these are generally stronger. Experience will be your best teacher.
To begin getting familiar with the effects, try carrying a dried cap or two in your pocket as you hike and tear off and suck on pieces as you go. Don't chew it, just move it around until it gets very soft and starts to fall apart; swallow the bits as they come off. Let each piece fall apart in your mouth before putting another one in. You should find yourself getting a spring in your step and a nice boost in endurance and mood as you trip through the forest.
Bon chance.
While some Amanitae will kill you, muscaria will not. You may "die," however, and then come back to life -- Lazarus comes to mind. The way to avoid this is to use only mature, dried specimens and proceed very slowly with consumption. You should have a sitter at least for the first time, as some people (mainly those who eat too much too quickly) enter a sort of netherworld in which they act out. This can be dangerous, as any dissociative experience can be. I have heard a couple stories of people eating a bunch of muscaria and running willy-nilly through the forest with total disregard for their safety (they can also give you amazing strength and endurance for the nonce). Or you may pass out, sometimes over and over again (this has happened to me), and appear to the non-initiated to be in serious medical trouble and near death (or dead)--hence your sitter should be aware of these possibilities, and being strong physically might not hurt either.
That said, it doesn't have to be like that. You might try simmering a few mature dried caps in water for a half hour and then drinking the tea slowly over a period of a couple of hours. When you go slow the mushroom has a way of letting you know when you've had enough or should have more. Another method is to tear off little pieces of dried cap and roll them into little pills; swallow these without chewing, with as little water as possible to get them down (too much water while eating can make some people nauseous, just as chewing can--the "pills" bypass the mouth's release of chewing enzymes). Again, go slowly, eating no more than one cap an hour. Be aware that the full effects sometimes take more than an hour to come on; people have gotten in trouble not knowing this.
One big problem with fly agaric is the inability to know how potent a specimen is, which is one more reason to proceed slowly. There are indicators, though, when one has become familiar with harvesting the mushroom: if the mushroom has dried standing, and/or has lots of veil remnants on the cap, and/or has a thick fuzz of spores on the mostly dried gill side--these are generally stronger. Experience will be your best teacher.
To begin getting familiar with the effects, try carrying a dried cap or two in your pocket as you hike and tear off and suck on pieces as you go. Don't chew it, just move it around until it gets very soft and starts to fall apart; swallow the bits as they come off. Let each piece fall apart in your mouth before putting another one in. You should find yourself getting a spring in your step and a nice boost in endurance and mood as you trip through the forest.
Bon chance.
Friday, January 23, 2015
In the Shadow of Hermes (2009)
Published on Apr 18, 2012
Jüri Lina Homepage
The documentary In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina shows how freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen.
Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1974 admonished his countrymen:
"Live without lies!" This applies equally to the West. The Truth in our time is in no way self-evident. Most official facts about communism are not true. Solzhenitsyn emphasized: "In our country the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state."
The facts have been suppressed both in the East and the West.
The film "In the Shadow of Hermes" is an important documentation of those financial masonic forces that cold-bloodedly worked behind the scenes through communism to profit from the suffering of others.
The director, Jüri Lina, stresses that it is his duty to tell the truth about communism and its grey eminences, and not just superficially treat its psychopathic symptoms, while the truth today is not highly valued.
History is made every day, but by whom? The answer is given in this film, the aim of which is to unmask the truth, despite the falsifications of history, so meekly reported by the media.
To know the real history of communism is the best insurance against ideological impostors. Based on the book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" by the Estonian dissident Jüri Lina who narrates this documentary in Swedish.
The documentary In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina shows how freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen.
Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1974 admonished his countrymen:
"Live without lies!" This applies equally to the West. The Truth in our time is in no way self-evident. Most official facts about communism are not true. Solzhenitsyn emphasized: "In our country the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state."
The facts have been suppressed both in the East and the West.
The film "In the Shadow of Hermes" is an important documentation of those financial masonic forces that cold-bloodedly worked behind the scenes through communism to profit from the suffering of others.
The director, Jüri Lina, stresses that it is his duty to tell the truth about communism and its grey eminences, and not just superficially treat its psychopathic symptoms, while the truth today is not highly valued.
History is made every day, but by whom? The answer is given in this film, the aim of which is to unmask the truth, despite the falsifications of history, so meekly reported by the media.
To know the real history of communism is the best insurance against ideological impostors. Based on the book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" by the Estonian dissident Jüri Lina who narrates this documentary in Swedish.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
been cooking awile on different sites. this is the newest attempt to gain publicity to the treasonous way that finland was tricked into eu and crimes done after that..
here i have google translate version for your ease!!
(BOLD text between parentheses are my my guesses what the word could be.)------>>>>>>
I have for some time been of the opinion that the Parliament and the Government, the majority of virkamiesjohdostamme(CIVIL SERVANT BOSSES) and the party is guilty of treason. In fact, there is no doubt about it. When Finland joined the European Union in 1995 and the national sovereignty was abandoned, it was unconstitutional. The Constitution was amended in 2007, when there were infiltrating the piece, in which Finland was found to be in the European Union Member State.
We were therefore maanpetoksellisesti(TREASONOUSLY), infringement of the Constitution of the European Union member in 1995-2007. Who believes that no one valtiojohdossamme(OF OUR NATION STATES LEADERS) not have been aware of this? Who believes that no official, politician or equivalent unaware of violation of the Constitution? If fact, there was no problem in terms of the law, why the law was amended in 2007 in this regard? Well, that's why, because someone realized that it was unconstitutional behavior, that is, specifically, the Finnish crime.
The Parliament, governments and leading our officials are also after the crimes have continued to churn. These crimes are only be of a scale to the size that they are not perceived as a criminal offense. They are made in a transparent manner all the people, when few people realize that this is violated by the law.
A great example of our leaders and high-ranking officials from making the offense is the so-called NATO-Host Agreement. I have made a written investigation warrant before its signature Security Police, which investigates crimes of treason. Someone can do now is a new example of Justice for investigation. Also, the Parliamentary Foreign Policy in my view, committed the same crime of treason accepting the case.
What says the law? The law says the following:
Finnish sovereignty hazard
Of the Penal Code, Chapter 12, paragraph 1, "the fact that, with the aim of using violence or the threat of a foreign state, or military or economic pressure or support
1. Finland may or part of the Finnish foreign power under
2. remove the part from the rest of the kingdom of Finnish or
3. The severity of these other comparable manner to limit the Finnish State Sovereignty
commits an act which causes said the purpose of the realization of the danger, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for endangering the sovereignty of Finland for at least one and not more than ten years. "
Of the Penal Code, Chapter 12 Section 1 covers I also think that the whole European Union membership. It is my view that our laws against. That is, it is a crime against the law of our country. But that's not all:
Of the Penal Code 12.luvun 10.pykälän(10. ARTICLE?), "the fact that violates the Finnish attitude towards the belligerent foreign countries given puoleettomuusmääräyksiä(NEUTRALITY ORDERS/NEUTRALITY LAW?) be sentenced impartiality of the provisions of fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year."
Finnish attitudes to war-torn foreign countries have rules governing the impartiality of the provisions of the Regulation (194/1963). Resident in Finland or otherwise a person residing in Finland may not contribute to the fact that these provisions are violated. This also applies to the European Union mission and its staff, as well as the US embassy and its staff, just as in Russia as an embassy and its staff.
Neutrality Regulations prohibit the Finnish territory, the exploitation of the war. In accordance with the legislative history of the Act (HE 94/93 superscript 2), for example, is punishable by a warship or submarine unauthorized coming Finnish territorial waters, the ship's delay in Finnish territorial waters for longer than is permitted or ship military equipment to increase the territory of Finland. Also, Finland, for example the use of military operations or intelligence support area or military buildup is a punishable offense. ACCORDINGLY, such measures must be punished ALLOW THE NEUTRALITY breach of the rules.
The latter also includes the so-called "military exercises" of the authorization and organization of our region. The fact that last summer NATO military exercise after roads shaved NATO armored units to mm. Kangasniemi was therefore a crime. To allow the offense. Is not it exciting, that no party intervened in any way?
President Sauli Niinistö is a lawyer. It is hard to believe that he knows of the Criminal Code in this regard, or that he knows of neutrality laws and regulations. NATO Host Agreement violates all of these. I understand that Niinistö was the site of Defense Haglund with when the contract was signed. One can, of course, ask the question why the president of our country, our state's highest-ranking elected official, NOT to monitor compliance with the law we do not even maanpetoksellisen(TREASONOUS) activities?
Agreement was signed by Chief of Defence. He does not have his office on behalf of, or otherwise, any legal rights to make such agreements. He is not a legal representative of the State of Finland, as opposed to the spot were the President or Secretary of Defense. Why they did not sign the agreement? Did they know it was a crime against the laws? Did the Chief of Defence doing the crime? I do not think that comprised the state, or if included, fell to the President and the Minister of Defence on behalf of his sword.
I'm not a lawyer, and I do not judge, but in my view, this is a crime of treason. Similarly, it is a secret NATO preparation, which is the state of our management and our officials johtajavat(LEAD/ARE IN CHARGE) MP Herb Aho, are in the process.
If this is the case, is it not remarkable that none of the police, law enforcement officer, the Attorney General or the Ministry of Justice official, or any other party do anything about it? Or is it one of the decision that Finnish laws no longer apply in this country in this respect either?
This is now not the case for speeding or theft of a piece of cake, not even a bank robbery. This is about our laws against maanpetoksellisesta(TREASONOUS) activities treason offense.
If I am wrong, which is of course possible when I am just a layman in terms of the law, one could justify how the Host Agreement or EU-membership do not violate the Criminal Code 12.luvun Articles 1 and 10? Such reasoning would be fun to hear and valaisisivat contribute to how such a layman in the eyes of treasonable activities are justified and covered up with an explanation.
It is also interesting that the issue of interest to a single supplier, the newspaper, the news media or current affairs program. You would think that the Finnish treasonable action would be even a little piece of news somewhere in the country.
Posted by sami Parkkonen at 3.02
been cooking awile on different sites. this is the newest attempt to gain publicity to the treasonous way that finland was tricked into eu and crimes done after that..
here i have google translate version for your ease!!
(BOLD text between parentheses are my my guesses what the word could be.)------>>>>>>
I have for some time been of the opinion that the Parliament and the Government, the majority of virkamiesjohdostamme(CIVIL SERVANT BOSSES) and the party is guilty of treason. In fact, there is no doubt about it. When Finland joined the European Union in 1995 and the national sovereignty was abandoned, it was unconstitutional. The Constitution was amended in 2007, when there were infiltrating the piece, in which Finland was found to be in the European Union Member State.
We were therefore maanpetoksellisesti(TREASONOUSLY), infringement of the Constitution of the European Union member in 1995-2007. Who believes that no one valtiojohdossamme(OF OUR NATION STATES LEADERS) not have been aware of this? Who believes that no official, politician or equivalent unaware of violation of the Constitution? If fact, there was no problem in terms of the law, why the law was amended in 2007 in this regard? Well, that's why, because someone realized that it was unconstitutional behavior, that is, specifically, the Finnish crime.
The Parliament, governments and leading our officials are also after the crimes have continued to churn. These crimes are only be of a scale to the size that they are not perceived as a criminal offense. They are made in a transparent manner all the people, when few people realize that this is violated by the law.
A great example of our leaders and high-ranking officials from making the offense is the so-called NATO-Host Agreement. I have made a written investigation warrant before its signature Security Police, which investigates crimes of treason. Someone can do now is a new example of Justice for investigation. Also, the Parliamentary Foreign Policy in my view, committed the same crime of treason accepting the case.
What says the law? The law says the following:
Finnish sovereignty hazard
Of the Penal Code, Chapter 12, paragraph 1, "the fact that, with the aim of using violence or the threat of a foreign state, or military or economic pressure or support
1. Finland may or part of the Finnish foreign power under
2. remove the part from the rest of the kingdom of Finnish or
3. The severity of these other comparable manner to limit the Finnish State Sovereignty
commits an act which causes said the purpose of the realization of the danger, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for endangering the sovereignty of Finland for at least one and not more than ten years. "
Of the Penal Code, Chapter 12 Section 1 covers I also think that the whole European Union membership. It is my view that our laws against. That is, it is a crime against the law of our country. But that's not all:
Of the Penal Code 12.luvun 10.pykälän(10. ARTICLE?), "the fact that violates the Finnish attitude towards the belligerent foreign countries given puoleettomuusmääräyksiä(NEUTRALITY ORDERS/NEUTRALITY LAW?) be sentenced impartiality of the provisions of fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year."
Finnish attitudes to war-torn foreign countries have rules governing the impartiality of the provisions of the Regulation (194/1963). Resident in Finland or otherwise a person residing in Finland may not contribute to the fact that these provisions are violated. This also applies to the European Union mission and its staff, as well as the US embassy and its staff, just as in Russia as an embassy and its staff.
Neutrality Regulations prohibit the Finnish territory, the exploitation of the war. In accordance with the legislative history of the Act (HE 94/93 superscript 2), for example, is punishable by a warship or submarine unauthorized coming Finnish territorial waters, the ship's delay in Finnish territorial waters for longer than is permitted or ship military equipment to increase the territory of Finland. Also, Finland, for example the use of military operations or intelligence support area or military buildup is a punishable offense. ACCORDINGLY, such measures must be punished ALLOW THE NEUTRALITY breach of the rules.
The latter also includes the so-called "military exercises" of the authorization and organization of our region. The fact that last summer NATO military exercise after roads shaved NATO armored units to mm. Kangasniemi was therefore a crime. To allow the offense. Is not it exciting, that no party intervened in any way?
President Sauli Niinistö is a lawyer. It is hard to believe that he knows of the Criminal Code in this regard, or that he knows of neutrality laws and regulations. NATO Host Agreement violates all of these. I understand that Niinistö was the site of Defense Haglund with when the contract was signed. One can, of course, ask the question why the president of our country, our state's highest-ranking elected official, NOT to monitor compliance with the law we do not even maanpetoksellisen(TREASONOUS) activities?
Agreement was signed by Chief of Defence. He does not have his office on behalf of, or otherwise, any legal rights to make such agreements. He is not a legal representative of the State of Finland, as opposed to the spot were the President or Secretary of Defense. Why they did not sign the agreement? Did they know it was a crime against the laws? Did the Chief of Defence doing the crime? I do not think that comprised the state, or if included, fell to the President and the Minister of Defence on behalf of his sword.
I'm not a lawyer, and I do not judge, but in my view, this is a crime of treason. Similarly, it is a secret NATO preparation, which is the state of our management and our officials johtajavat(LEAD/ARE IN CHARGE) MP Herb Aho, are in the process.
If this is the case, is it not remarkable that none of the police, law enforcement officer, the Attorney General or the Ministry of Justice official, or any other party do anything about it? Or is it one of the decision that Finnish laws no longer apply in this country in this respect either?
This is now not the case for speeding or theft of a piece of cake, not even a bank robbery. This is about our laws against maanpetoksellisesta(TREASONOUS) activities treason offense.
If I am wrong, which is of course possible when I am just a layman in terms of the law, one could justify how the Host Agreement or EU-membership do not violate the Criminal Code 12.luvun Articles 1 and 10? Such reasoning would be fun to hear and valaisisivat contribute to how such a layman in the eyes of treasonable activities are justified and covered up with an explanation.
It is also interesting that the issue of interest to a single supplier, the newspaper, the news media or current affairs program. You would think that the Finnish treasonable action would be even a little piece of news somewhere in the country.
Posted by sami Parkkonen at 3.02
- Posts: 133
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2014 10:39 pm
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Tämän viikon Facepalm palkinnon voittaja on!
Tämän viikon Facepalm palkinnon voittaja on!
(rumpujen pärinää)
Herra Vartiainen, kuten valitettavan moni muu, elää sellaisessa harhakäsityksessä, että työllä (tai tuotannolla) tehdään tai luodaan rahaa.
Käytännössä tämä harhakäsitys tarkoittaa sitä, että taantuma tai lama on seurausta liian korkeista työttömyyskorvauksista eli jokainen YT-neuvottelu on palkansaajien koolle kutsuma ja heidän (palkansaajien) kollektiivisen laiskuuden lopputulema.
Tämä harhakäsitys on täysin absurdi eikä sillä ole mitään tekemistä todellisuuden kanssa.
Nykyisessä järjestelmässä Velka = Ostovoima = Työpaikka. Tämä kaava on ällistyttävän yksiselitteinen sekä helposti todennettavissa tällä hetkellä käytössä olevasta taloudellisesta järjestelmästä eli laeista, direktiiveistä ja säädöksistä: on vain kysyttävä kenellä on monopoli rahaan, ja miten monopolin haltija laskee rahan liikkeelle?
Nykyisessä järjestelmässä työ tai tuotanto ei luo talouteen (työn tai) tuotannon arvoa vastaavaa tuloa. Pankista lainattu raha luo tuotannon arvoa vastaavan tulon.
Toisin kuin mm. herra Vartiainen harhaisesti olettaa, työllä ei ole mahdollista tehdä tai luoda rahaa. Työllä tai tuotannolla ansaitaan rahaa, jonka pankki loi laillisella kirjanpitokikkailulla "tyhjästä".
Lakien, direktiivien ja asetuksien mukaan ilman velkaa ei ole rahaa. Ilman rahaa ei ole taloutta, verotuloja, työtä ja niin edelleen.
Kaikessa yksinkertaisuudessaan tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että herra Vartiainen, kuten moni muukin, joka harhaisesti olettaa Suomen talouskasvun paranevan työllä tai tuottavuudella, on kerta kaikkiaan väärässä.
Loppujen lopuksi kysymys on rahasta ja sen syntymekanismista. Tästä syystä Facepalm. Kapteeni, ole hyvä.
Juhana Vartiainen
"Maahanmuuton lisääminen on välttämätöntä, jos Suomen talous halutaan saada nousuun, työllisyyttä parannettua ja julkisen talouden ongelmat ratkaistua"
Facepalm palkintoa ei myönnetä ihan kenelle tahansa. Palkinnon saajan täytyy todella ansiokkaasti tehdä tai sanoa jotain niin käsittämätöntä, ettei sen kommentointiin enää sanat riitä.
Mutta nyt on kommentoitava. Ihan pakko!Herra Vartiainen, kuten valitettavan moni muu, elää sellaisessa harhakäsityksessä, että työllä (tai tuotannolla) tehdään tai luodaan rahaa.
Käytännössä tämä harhakäsitys tarkoittaa sitä, että taantuma tai lama on seurausta liian korkeista työttömyyskorvauksista eli jokainen YT-neuvottelu on palkansaajien koolle kutsuma ja heidän (palkansaajien) kollektiivisen laiskuuden lopputulema.
Tämä harhakäsitys on täysin absurdi eikä sillä ole mitään tekemistä todellisuuden kanssa.
Nykyisessä järjestelmässä Velka = Ostovoima = Työpaikka. Tämä kaava on ällistyttävän yksiselitteinen sekä helposti todennettavissa tällä hetkellä käytössä olevasta taloudellisesta järjestelmästä eli laeista, direktiiveistä ja säädöksistä: on vain kysyttävä kenellä on monopoli rahaan, ja miten monopolin haltija laskee rahan liikkeelle?
Nykyisessä järjestelmässä työ tai tuotanto ei luo talouteen (työn tai) tuotannon arvoa vastaavaa tuloa. Pankista lainattu raha luo tuotannon arvoa vastaavan tulon.
Toisin kuin mm. herra Vartiainen harhaisesti olettaa, työllä ei ole mahdollista tehdä tai luoda rahaa. Työllä tai tuotannolla ansaitaan rahaa, jonka pankki loi laillisella kirjanpitokikkailulla "tyhjästä".
Lakien, direktiivien ja asetuksien mukaan ilman velkaa ei ole rahaa. Ilman rahaa ei ole taloutta, verotuloja, työtä ja niin edelleen.
Kaikessa yksinkertaisuudessaan tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että herra Vartiainen, kuten moni muukin, joka harhaisesti olettaa Suomen talouskasvun paranevan työllä tai tuottavuudella, on kerta kaikkiaan väärässä.
Loppujen lopuksi kysymys on rahasta ja sen syntymekanismista. Tästä syystä Facepalm. Kapteeni, ole hyvä.
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