In an effort to restore the dead brain tissue of a baboon, Dr. Ethridge (Bo Svenson), a professor at an unnamed University in Florida, inadvertently creates a deadly contagion. Unaware that the virus could be dangerous Dr. Ethridge continues his research. However when young college journalist Frank Duffy (Mitch Watson) suspects that the campus laboratory is conducting inhumane experiments on live animals he breaks in to get photographic evidence. As Duffy attempts to take a few snaps of the caged animals he is bitten by one of the infected baboons, which then escapes outside into the street, and is quickly run down by a Florida Police Department squad car in grotesque fashion.
The virus soon spreads to Debbie causing her to feel fatigued. Duffy’s arm starts to form ugly looking sores from the infected bite and his symptoms worsen. Admitting himself into the hospital a uncontrollable rage takes over and Duffy’s starts to attack the other patients and staff before running out into the street on a killing spree.
With his debut as director Vittorio Rambaldi, son of special effects maestro Carlo Rambaldi, has managed to create an entertaining film that, despite it’s slow set-up, delivers a lot of the crimson red you would expect from 1980’s Italian horror cinema. The special make-up effects and gore, courtesy of Carlo Rambaldi (known for his incredible work on Steven Spielberg’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in 1982) and Alex Rambaldi, are the highlight of Primal Rage, especially during the final act when the infected muscle-headed trio attend a campus Halloween party.
Primal Rage may feel dated and flawed today but the ingeniously bizarre special effects on display help elevate this movie above most Italian exploitation films of the same era.
Patrick Lowe … Sam Nash
Cheryl Arutt … Lauren Daly
Sarah Buxton … Debbie
Mitch Watson … Frank Duffy
Bo Svenson … Ethridge
Doug Sloan … Lovejoy
Directed By … Vittorio Rambaldi
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